Understanding The Basics of (CBT)

Here is a great little video that introduces the core concepts of cognitive behaviour therapy.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, is a form of intervention widely used in psychotherapy, counselling and life coaching.

CBT provides the right tools and support to engage in a powerful process of change without wasting a massive amount of time and energy.The reason why CBT is so popular is simple: it works incredibly well.

A good amount of scientific research shows how effective CBT is in helping people solve problems and experience positive outcomes.CBT is aimed at changing patterns of thinking and behaviour that keep us stuck and prevent us from overcoming the obstacles we face.

First, CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) intervenes on our thoughts. The way we think influences our lives, because it defines how we understand and intepret the world and the events.

In this sense, our thinking pattern can be imagined as a pair of glasses that allows us to see the world in a certain way. It is useful to work on our thoughts and beliefs to deal with issues such as depression, anxiety, and others.

Let’s say I have low self-esteem and my thoughts about myself are unrealistically negative: I believe I’m a worthless person, whose needs are irrelevant and whose opinions uninteresting.

First, CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) allows me to be aware of these thoughts and the negative impact they have on my life. Then, CBT helps me address my limiting beliefs and challenge them effectively.

CBT also intervenes on our behaviour.

Our behaviour has a big influence on our lives, our feelings and our happiness. In fact, our behaviour creates outcomes that can be either positive or negative.

CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) makes sure that we experience less negative outcomes and more positive ones.

Let’s say I have low self-confidence and I avoid public speaking.

My avoidance is caused by my low self-confidence, but, at the same time, my avoidance reinforces my low self-confidence, creating a vicious circle in which I’m stuck.

CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) allows me to address my behaviour in small steps, in order to experience positive outcomes and to react constructively to external events and circumstances.

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)is extremely flexible.

It can be applied to either severe issues or more practical problems. It can address a variety of unpleasant situations, such as stress, anger, troublesome emotions, procrastination and others.

If you are looking for an effective way to improve your life, overcome your obstacles and achieve a state of satisfaction, cognitive behavioral coaching is certainly a smart option!

Getting Help in Johannesburg

Johannesburg’s comprehensive approach to combating substance dependence encompasses educational initiatives, community support, and a wide array of rehabilitation facilities backed by governmental policies aimed at preventing addiction and alcoholism. At the forefront, WeDoRecover’s newly renovated Dual Diagnosis Unit offers a holistic treatment plan, focusing on physical, psychological, and spiritual recovery aspects.

With a team of skilled professionals, the center provides a range of therapies, including cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation, and yoga, alongside inpatient and outpatient programs tailored to individual needs. Emphasizing family involvement and continuous care, this premier facility aims for sustainable recovery by addressing underlying mental health issues and fostering resilience.

Support extends beyond treatment with transitional living facilities and a 24/7 helpline, ensuring a comprehensive care system that is accessible and supported by medical aids, highlighting Johannesburg’s commitment to leading clinical success rates in addiction recovery.



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